Free Novel Read



  Ascension, Book 1

  L. Fergus


  Copyright © 2019 by L. Fergus

  Cover art by Mrinmoy Kar

  These are works of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the purchaser.


  For my #1 fan.

  Here’s your bedtime story.


  Also by L. Fergus

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  About the Author

  Call to Action

  Sneak Peek

  Razor’s Pass


  Angel of Yorq

  (Available in paperback version of Birthright)


  Razor’s Pass

  (Coming spring 2020)

  Fall and Rise

  (Coming fall 2020)



  Sarin’s War


  Twelve Bravo

  (Available in paperback version of Li’ve)


  Kita clenched her teeth as she crossed her long dagger and sword against Petersen’s broadsword—the three blades locked in a battle of strength. Despite her gritty determination, he pushed her down. Twisting her unsharpened dagger, she parried his sword with hers while sidestepping and thrusting her dagger into his exposed ribs as he stumbled from his overexertion.

  Petersen recovered with a wry smile. “Excellent kill. I see you did more than tour the Champignon countryside in your travels.”

  Is that where Mother said I was? “I did stay a few weeks at the Ecole Militaire for some private tutorage.”

  “Impressive. It’s good for you to learn new forms. Those from Yorq aren’t designed for women.”

  Kita rolled her eyes. Only Yorq thinks brute strength is the solution to every problem. A pair of knights in gold and green livery galloped past the training grounds. Kita’s pet war cat, Sarge, basking in the sun scrambled out of the way.

  “Hey! You blind ass lover, that’s my cat!” she yelled after the knights. Sarge trotted over and sat next to Kita, resting his head on her thigh. She scratched his ears. “It’s okay, boy.”

  Petersen glowered at her. “You know how your father feels about you insulting his soldiers. Consider yourself lectured.”

  Kita huffed. I hate being home. “Why is Jeffrey’s guard here? Didn’t they leave with him for Razor’s Pass?”

  “They did. The only reason they’d be here is if Lord Jeffrey has returned.”

  Kita bristled. She enjoyed not having her brother around. It was one less person to make her life insufferable.

  “You should probably go find out,” said Petersen as he placed the practice weapons in the racks.

  “It’ll have nothing to do with me.”

  “It might. Lord Jeffrey’s not back on a military matter, or I would know. It must be family related.” He gave her a dismissive nod.

  With luck, maybe Father has fallen ill.

  Kita trudged up the path toward the castle proper with Sarge trailing. He was her fuzzy shadow, following her whenever she was home. Bloody moons, I hate it here. Why does Mother always drag me back? Why can’t they let me disappear? I don’t need them. I can build my own kingdom.

  She passed through the curtain wall and made the long climb to the inner castle. Kita passed through one of the dutchess’ gardens. Sarge growled as she rounded the corner into the courtyard. She looked down to see what he wanted and ran into the back of a teenage girl wearing a red velvet dress with her hair in big loose curls standing on the edge of a crowd. Kita glared at Sarge, while he grinned.

  “Oh, sorry, um…” Kita searched for the girl’s name. As one of the town’s lower nobles, Kita had met her several times. None of the young nobles liked Kita, so she never bothered to learn their names. Instead, she assigned them pet names; but addressing this one as Sexy Redhead would cause an uproar with these sexually repressed brats, and she didn’t want her ill manners and sexual desires getting back to her father.

  Before she could come up with the girl’s name, Sexy Redhead spoke, “I’m so sorry, my lady. I shouldn’t be standing in a blind spot. Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine...” Whatever your name is.

  “Lady Allison. My father is Lord Marsham, the assistant to the Estate Tax Collector.”

  “Right, sorry.”

  “Oh, don’t be, my lady. I know you’re busy and can’t remember everyone’s name.”

  Why is every major and minor gossip in town here? “What’s going on?”

  “You haven’t heard, my lady? I thought you’d be the first to know, living in the castle and all,” Lady Allison said with a perky smile.

  Oh, I bet you love knowing something before I do. “Pretend I don’t and enlighten me.”

  “Oh, yes, of course, my lady. There is a senior legionnaire in town. He arrived this morning.” Her excitement bubbled over into her voice.

  She gets any more excited, and she’s going to pop.

  “So? They come recruiting all the time.”

  “Yes, my lady—but supposedly, this isn’t just any legionnaire. He’s the commander.”

  “Huh. He must be here to pay respects to my father, uh, the duke.”

  “Well my lady, we believe he’s here to recruit someone special. Lady Dianna thinks he wants your brother, Lord Jeffrey.”

  That would explain Jeffrey and his thugs returning.

  “Maybe I’ll go to the main hall and find out. Thanks, ah, Allison.”

  “My pleasure, my lady. Please come back and let us know when you get a moment.”

  “Uh-huh, sure.” Like I’d ever voluntarily come back and cluck with you chickens.

  Kita navigated the gilded group, looking out of place in her tattered leather armor.

  She approached the speaker’s entrance of the main hall and flashed the guard an enticing smile. He nodded and opened the door. From an early age, she’d learned her smile, and a little movement in the right areas could get a lot of things from the young guards. And what you don’t know…

  The main hall was as much a museum as the place her father held court. A variety of antiques, tapestries, and artwork hung or stood along the walls. She entered on the stage. A staircase led to the floor. On both sides of the hall, giant fireplaces supplied light and heat. Some genius engineer designed movable walls to expand the hall into the ballroom and banquet room.

  The hair on Kita’s arms stood up and she swallowed a lump of bile upon seeing Duke Cunningham standing with her father and brother in a group across the hall. Jeffrey was freshly groomed and wore his parade armor, shined to a mirror finish.

  They must believe Jeffrey’s to be recruited. This could be entertaining if the Legion is here for another reason. And if they do take him, I’m here to support the family. Isn’t that what I’m always being yelled at t
o do? Kita descended the stage and crossed the hall. Their voices drifted to her as she approached.

  “My men are arriving as we speak, and the crossroad is in the wrong direction,” said Cunningham. “What’s wrong with them staying inside the curtain wall?”

  “It’s not big enough, Serge,” said her father dressed in green and gold robes.

  “There are some fallow fields on the south side of the castle,” said Jeffrey.

  Why does he want his soldiers in the castle when there’s plenty of room outside? Maybe his men carry the bastard’s teddy bear.

  “Hello, Father, Jeffrey, Duke Cunningham,” Kita said as she joined them. They stopped and stared at her. “Jeffrey, I didn’t think you’d be back so soon. Is the war over?”

  “No,” Jeffrey said in his gruff baritone. “I’m back on urgent business.”

  “What requires the unveiling of the mirror armor?”

  Her father’s sour voice replied, “Speaking of armor, Kita, why are you wearing yours in here?”

  Kita kept her face neutral under her father’s glower.

  Great, he’s mad, and I haven’t been here more than a minute. Kita expected him to be in a better mood. His favorite child was about to get another turkey feather in his hat. “I heard Jeffrey was back, a—”

  “From those disgusting rags, am I to understand you’ve been wasting Sergeant-Major-at-Arms Petersen’s valuable time teaching you, instead of my new recruits? I’m tired of you playing soldier. It’s not becoming of a girl of your station—” We’re reaching a new low doing this in public. I guess Cunningham is here often enough he could be considered the unwanted bastard stepchild. “—You should be learning social graces, the arts, how to run a house and be a proper lady and wife—” Like I’d ever lower myself to be like Allison. “—Almost past your prime! Most girls your age have married or are on the way to finding a suitable husband. How am I supposed to present you as a candidate when you don’t know the first thing about being a proper lady?” Proper lady according to whom? The Champignons love me.

  Both her brother and Cunningham nodded.

  “You should listen to your father, Kita,” Cunningham said her name with distain. “The supply of eligible lords is dwindling fast. Your…maidenly demurral”—he coughed— “will only hinder the effort. Families want young girls who can produce healthy, strong heirs as soon as possible. You don’t want to have to join a cloister, do you?”

  Still sore at me? Have your words. I’ve got blood, and my dagger won’t miss your manhood a second time.

  Her father’s face reddened as his hand movements become erratic. “I’m going to put an end to this right now.”

  Things are going to get ugly. Ass.

  “First, you’re to turn in your weapons and armor to the quartermaster—”

  “I paid for them with my money!” Kita snarled.

  Jeffrey and Cunningham exchanged amused glances.

  “Don’t raise your voice to me, child! I am your father and your lord. I’ll not tolerate this behavior, especially not in front of your brother and my guest.”

  You started it!

  “Sergeant Crispin!”

  The soldier left his post by the main door. His face was stone as he reported. “Yes, my lord?”

  “Take this order to the Officer of the Watch. Sergeant-Major-at-Arms Petersen is to stop training my daughter immediately, and no other soldier in my army shall either. Disobeying this order is punishable by a year in the dungeon. Take her to the quartermaster and turn in her armor and weapons. Use force if necessary. Is that understood?”

  Kita swallowed hard as her toes tingled—it was as close as she came to feeling fear. This wasn’t the first time her father had threatened to stop her training, but it was the first time he’d acted on it. She fought to control her anger—her other manifestation of fear. Could I kill them all before the guards can stop me?

  Sergeant Crispin saluted. “Ye—”

  “You. Will. Do. No. Such. Thing. Priatt.”

  The men’s faces went pale. A wave of relief washed over Kita. I’m sure the planet would stop rotating and stand at attention if Mother ordered. The duchess covered the ground between the side door and the group before the men had time to react.

  Kita hypothesized there was some secret signal among the staff to alert her mother when she was in trouble. The duchess always appeared when Kita needed her most. Now, her mother stood between her and her father. The duchess’ eyes blazing as she looked into her husband’s.

  “What is the meaning of this? Why are you threatening our daughter? Explain yourself, Priatt.”

  Kita swore the three men shrank a few inches.

  “My lady…Marie, please calm down,” Cunningham interjected. “Priatt was only trying to tell the girl to think about her future. I admit, and I’m sure he will as well, he got a little carried away. I do agree with him. Kita’s turned down all suitors, and it’s getting harder to find suitable husbands. Priatt’s only looking out for her well-being. I think we should stop and cool off. No harm has been done. Perhaps the two of you can discuss this later when you’re both feeling more rational.”

  The duchess wheeled and stuck a finger in Cunningham’s chest. “If you dare give me advice about my daughter, I’ll finish what she started,” she said with acid in her voice, “and if you ever speak about my daughter like that again, I’ll flay and gut you.”

  Kita stifled a grin over the terror in Cunningham’s eyes.

  Slither away, you snake.

  The duchess faced the duke, his face was hard as a rock.

  The duchess’ tone softened. “Priatt, I’m tired of having this conversation every six months. We agreed on this when Kita first showed interest. If she could find the teacher and the equipment, she could learn. When she’s ready, she’ll find someone who will accept her for who she is.”

  The duke drew a long breath. “It’s not that simple anymore. Kita is no longer sixteen. She is twenty-three. It’s time for her to take on the responsibility and duties required as a member of this family and as a noble. That includes marrying and producing children—” Oh, bloody moons, no. I am not doing that. “—battlefield is no place for a proper noblewoman.”

  The duchess leaned into him. “You’re such a hypocrite.”


  Her father frowned and lowered his head.

  The door to the main hall opened, drawing the duchess’ attention and brought a smile to her face. Everyone’s gaze followed to the tall figure in the doorway.

  “May I present Commander Angus of the Legion of Yorq,” announced the butler.

  Kita felt his presence take command of the room. I must learn that trick. Angus’ hair and beard were nicely groomed. His armor was unique, made of angular, fitted blue plates that covered strategic areas of the body. Under the armor was a blue uniform and he wore black boots. A half-helmet hung from a strap connected to his utility belt. On his back, he carried a sword and shield.

  Angus stopped at the edge of the group. “Duke Logine, a pleasure to see you again. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “No, no, of course not, Commander. It’s been a long time. Welcome to Castle Arbol. I’m sure you remember Serge?”

  “Good day, my lord. I see the years have been good to you.”

  “Greetings, Angus. How nice of you to say, but time catches up to us all I’m afraid. However, you look like the war ended yesterday.” Cunningham frowned slightly.

  Angus smiled. “The vigorous training regimen of the Legion keeps one looking young.”

  He smiled, but his eyes didn’t. Why lie?

  “May I introduce my son, Lord Jeffrey?” said the duke. “He currently commands my forces. Previously, he served on the king’s Command Staff and graduated second in his class from the king’s war college. In the king’s service, he served as a platoon leader and on the Command Staff. He’s partaken in several battles against ravagers. Unfortunately, he’ll be leaving shortly to join the king’s forces.�

  “Pleasure to meet you, Lord Jeffrey. A most impressive resume. I’m sure you will do your estate proud.”

  Jeffrey smiled humbly.

  I’m going to gag.

  “Thank you, Angus,” said Jeffrey in a pious tone. “I’m honored to hear such praise from a respected and honored warrior as yourself. I look forward to serving with you at Razor’s Pass.”

  Angus smiled warmly and bowed over the duchess’ offered hand. “Marie, you look lovely. It’s good to see you again.”

  The duchess inclined her head. “Pleasure to see you again, Angus.”

  “The pleasure is mine, my lady. It’s been a very long time. The gods have smiled upon you.”

  How far back do Mother and Angus go?

  “They have indeed.”

  The Duke reached out and touched the Duchess’ arm. “So—”

  “This is our daughter, Lady Kita,” said the duchess. “I apologize for her appearance. She’s returning from her arms lesson and stopped in unexpectedly.”

  Kita became conscious that her blonde hair must look like a rat’s nest.

  “It’s quite alright, my lady. I’m glad to finally meet you, Lady Kita. It’s good to see someone willing to get their armor dirty. I know in Yorq, few women are allowed to fight. I commend you on your courage and that of your father. It isn’t easy to wave your banner in the face of social norms.”


  The duke waved Kita aside. “So, Angus, what brings you to Arbol? The Legion recruiters were just here and took three of my best senior sergeants. Was there a problem with them?”